I’ve always loved keeping track of things using lists. When I was in my 20s, I decided to start a top 10 before 30 list. I very diligently made my list, created a few rules around what I was doing, and stuck the list on my refrigerator so I could see it every day. I don’t think I did many of them, and I eventually lost the list when I moved. I still remember a few of the items:

  • Go on a wildlife safari in Africa.

  • Visit the Galapagos Islands.

  • Go bungee jumping.

These days, I take a different approach. Instead of writing down the items I want to do, I keep track of them digitally. Instead of picking 10 big things, my list includes 101 items — fun things that I’m excited about and not-so-fun things that I've been putting off. I've combined my big lofty dreams with simple everyday tasks. Instead of setting an age limit, I give myself 1001 days.

What I love about 101 in 1001 lists is that you can start any time and the list can grow with you. I continually revisit and tweak the items on my list as 2.74 years is a long time. And I have a tendency to change my mind.

To give you some ideas, here are the 101 in 1001 lists I’ve made over the years. Even if you don’t complete many of the items (I certainly don’t), these lists can form a fascinating time capsule of your mindset over the years. It’s interesting to see where your priorities have shifted over the years, as well as where you’ve come full circle.

While I didn’t do many of the 10 things I had on my list before I turned 30, they did remain top of mind. My 101 in 1001 lists gave me that little nudge to experience the world before time inevitably slips away. In 2011, at age 32, I went on a wildlife safari in Kenya. In 2012, at age 33, I visited the Galapagos Islands. I still haven’t gone bungee jumping, but I may have changed my mind on that. We’ll see.

Cheers to both baby steps and big dreams.