Hi, I’m Lesley.

I use she/her pronouns. It’s nice to meet you.

Here’s a bit more about me and what you can expect to find here:

  • All the nit-picky things you’d expect from someone with a couple of business degrees? I can do those, yet my approach is personable and heart-based. I love languages, spreadsheets, lists, documentaries, puzzles, and personal financial management. At the same time, I also have room in my heart for creativity, beauty, photography, food, cute animals, and green babies. Here’s what I’m working on now.

  • Over the years, I’ve developed a deep interest in the power of self-reflection, so a big chunk of my website is devoted to activities, challenges, and goals that nudge me in the right direction. I hope they can give you some inspiration too.

  • “Why” is one of my favourite words. I spend large parts of my day ruminating and asking questions. Sometimes I figure things out, and sometimes I don’t. You can read some of my ponderings here.

  • From time to time, people reach out to ask me for recommendations. Usually, they find me through my videos. I’ve been meaning to put together a compilation of favourites for years now, and I’ve finally done it. Here are some of my favourite books, products and recipes. And I’d love for you to share some of your faves with me.

  • While I try to be careful about the labels I put on myself and others, I view astrology and personality indicators as tools for self-reflection. In case you’re curious about these:

    • I’m a Fire Horse in Chinese astrology. Click here to see your animal.

    • In Western astrology, I’m a Gemini sun, Sagittarius moon, and Gemini ascendant. You can access your natal chart here.

    • Myers-Briggs tells me I’m an INFJ. You can take a similar test here.

    • My Enneagram type is 9w1. Click here to take the test.

    • I’m a 2/5 Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority in Human Design. You can access your chart here.

    • I’m a Pitta-Kapha in Ayurveda, and I’m pretty sure I have a healthy dose of Vata as well. You can take the quiz here.

    • I’m a Questioner based on Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies model. You can take the quiz here.

One last thing — I’ve always been fascinated with the sky. It’s beautiful and ever-changing, just like you and me. May the blue skies in this little corner of the internet lead you to the blue skies in your own life.

Ever warmly,

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