20210619_125348 Pothos 010.jpg



  • Prefers bright indirect light

  • Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix

  • Slightly toxic to humans and pets


  • Water when first inch or two of potting mix is dry

  • Water thoroughly until potting mix is saturated

  • Fully drain excess water


  • Fertilize monthly in spring, summer, and early fall

  • Pinch off new shoot tips to control shape and size

  • Re-pot every year or two in spring or summer



May 29/21: I rescued Pothos 010 from a supermarket and it wasn’t in great shape when I got it. I’m not sure what variety this is — it could be an N’Joy, Pearls & Jade, or Glacier. I didn’t take any photos of it the day I got it, but it seems to be perking up a bit. Hopefully, with some time and TLC, it will continue doing better and better.

Jun 12/21: Pothos 010 was very root bound so I decided to repot it with some fresh potting mix.

Jun 12/21: Pothos 010 was very root bound so I decided to repot it with some fresh potting mix.

Jun 19/21: Here’s Pothos 010, one week after being repotted. I think it’s starting to perk up!

Jun 19/21: Here’s Pothos 010, one week after being repotted. I think it’s starting to perk up!

Jun 19/21: The variegation in the leaves is quite pretty. :)

Jun 19/21: The variegation in the leaves is quite pretty. :)