20200820 Snake Plant 001.jpg

Snake plant 001


  • Prefers bright indirect light

  • Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix

  • Toxic to humans and pets


  • Water when potting mix is completely dry

  • Water thoroughly until potting mix is saturated

  • Fully drain excess water


  • Fertilize lightly in spring and summer

  • Re-pot as needed in spring or summer



May 16/20: Snake Plant 001 was a sweet birthday gift from a dear friend. It’s so beautiful and it makes me happy every time I see it.

Jul 9/20: Snake Plant 001 in its new cachepot.

Jul 9/20: Snake Plant 001 in its new cachepot.

Jul 19/20: I re-potted Snake Plant 001 because it looked rather cramped in its nursery pot. It didn’t look overly root bound when I took it out though so fingers crossed it will be ok in a (slightly) larger pot.

Jul 19/20: Roots on Snake Plant 001.

Jul 19/20: Roots on Snake Plant 001.

Aug 18/20: Some sweet new growth on Snake Plant 001.

Aug 18/20: Some sweet new growth on Snake Plant 001.

Aug 20/20: I didn’t think to take a photo of the new growth when I first received this beauty from my friend, but I think it’s grown a bit!

Aug 20/20: I didn’t think to take a photo of the new growth when I first received this beauty from my friend, but I think it’s grown a bit!

Aug 20/20: Another view of the new growth — there’s a tiny leaf poking through in the centre.

Aug 20/20: Another view of the new growth — there’s a tiny leaf poking through in the centre.

Aug 20/20: I think Snake Plant 001 is happy in its new pot.

Aug 20/20: I think Snake Plant 001 is happy in its new pot.

Nov 29/20: There’s a bunch of exciting new growth on Snake Plant 001!

Nov 29/20: There’s a bunch of exciting new growth on Snake Plant 001!

May 9/21: From this angle, Snake Plant 001 looks almost identical to the day I received it.

May 9/21: From this angle, Snake Plant 001 looks almost identical to the day I received it.

May 9/21: When I turn the plant, you can see all the new growth on the side!

May 9/21: When I turn the plant, you can see all the new growth on the side!

May 9/21: Close up of the new growth. :)

May 9/21: Close up of the new growth. :)

Sep 18/21: When the new leaf becomes the tallest leaf!

Sep 18/21: When the new leaf becomes the tallest leaf!