20200806 Spider 006.jpg

Spider plant 006


  • Prefers bright indirect light

  • Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix

  • Non-toxic


  • Water when potting mix is dry

  • Water thoroughly until potting mix is saturated

  • Fully drain excess water


  • Fertilize monthly in spring, summer, and early fall (optional)

  • Re-pot as needed in spring or summer



Jul 24/20: Say hello to Spider Plant 006! This spiderette was is rough shape when I got it, but fingers crossed it will survive.

Jul 24/20: Spider Plant 006 is sitting so low in its pot.

Jul 24/20: Spider Plant 006 is sitting so low in its pot.

Aug 6/20: I’m not sure if you can tell by this photo but Spider 006 is looks like it’s grown a bit!

Aug 6/20: I’m not sure if you can tell by this photo but Spider 006 is looks like it’s grown a bit!

Sep 20/20: Big difference after a couple of months! Spider Plant 006 has grown a bunch and it much perkier. :)

Sep 20/20: Big difference after a couple of months! Spider Plant 006 has grown a bunch and it much perkier. :)

Feb 7/21: Spider Plant 006 has a few looooong leaves now!

Feb 7/21: Spider Plant 006 has a few looooong leaves now!

Sep 18/21: Lots of healthy new growth!

Sep 18/21: Lots of healthy new growth!

Oct 19/21: I decided to combine Spider Plant 005 and 006 so they could grow together in the same pot. Future updates will all be here.