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Tradescantia 001


  • Prefers bright indirect light

  • Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix

  • Slightly toxic to humans and pets


  • Water when first inch of potting mix is dry

  • Water thoroughly from the bottom until potting mix is saturated

  • Fully drain excess water


  • Fertilize monthly in spring, summer, and early fall

  • Pinch back new growth to encourage fullness

  • Re-pot every year or two in spring or summer



Jul 19/20: Hubby and I found Tradescantia 001 today, and it’s absolutely stunning. I can’t stop looking at it. This variety is called Tradescantia nanouk or Tradescantia fluminensis tricolor.

Jul 19/20: Tradescantia 001 in its cachepot.

Jul 19/20: Tradescantia 001 in its cachepot.

Jul 19/20: The leaves are so stunning.

Jul 19/20: The leaves are so stunning.

Aug 3/20: I did something to Tradescantia 001. Its four stems were growing very long and lopsided, and I’ve read a ton about pruning them and propagating the cut ends to make the plant fuller, so I that’s what I did to two of the stems. I was really worried at first, but it’s been a week or so, and I see some new growth! I’m keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the plant will continue to grow and fill out nicely. It’s still so beautiful despite the two cut stems.

Aug 6/20: Attempting to propagate two stems to fill out Tradescantia 001.

Aug 6/20: Attempting to propagate two stems to fill out Tradescantia 001.

Sep 4/20: The first two stems seemed to root so I decided to cut two more to propagate. I’m trying to have a fuller plant and fingers crossed it works!

Sep 4/20: The first two stems seemed to root so I decided to cut two more to propagate. I’m trying to have a fuller plant and fingers crossed it works!

Nov 29/20: Tradescantia 001 is filling out very nicely. It looks a little wild but that’s part of the charm.

Nov 29/20: Tradescantia 001 is filling out very nicely. It looks a little wild but that’s part of the charm.

Sep 18/21: Sigh, I left Tradescantia 001 without water for a bit too long in the spring and it developed some crispy leaves. This is still a stunning plant but, similar to Tradescantia 002, I think it looks better in photos than in-person.

Sep 18/21: Top down view of Tradescantia 001 with some crispy leaves.

Sep 18/21: Top down view of Tradescantia 001 with some crispy leaves.